Saturday, April 10, 2010

Taking notes...

So I am nearing the end of my second trimester. But I still have a couple weeks, and I want them and their energy entitlement! Why have I passed out between 7:30 and 8 the past few nights? Maybe it's the sugar withdrawal, so I'll keep eating well and hope that I still have some weeks of feeling relatively energetic ahead of me.
I still feel great during my workouts. Wednesdays have turned into a light day of walking and strength training because my pubic bone just can't take two days in a row of running.
A mom friend told me about a woman at her Y that ran and swam up until the day she went into labor and her "labor" was only 90min. And at 3wks post-partum, when she's regaling this tale, the only evidence of her pregnancy is a still visible linea negra (where's mine by the way? I don't remember when it showed up for Emberly...). I'm really trying to envision myself still running come 39wks, and 90 minutes from pregnant to baby is definitely an inspirational incentive!
Okay, so here I am, still looking pretty fit at 6.5mo. Please ignore my face. I hadn't been crying, I promise. I guess that's just what I look like at 7am after a night where pregnancy insomnia tortured me from 1-3am LOL


And yes, those are my snazzy christmas gift nikes, colors courtesy of my two year old ;)


  1. LOVE the Nikes! Those colors are awesome. Your 2 year old has great taste!

    I don't know if the exercise was the factor, but with my third baby I did a LOT of walking, right up until the day before I went into labor and I was only in labor for about an hour total. It's definitely incentive for keeping active!

  2. Wow! My first labor wasn't bad, it was only 6hrs, and I didn't actually believe I was in labor until the last 90min, but the faster the better! :)
